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Meet Sarah Lopez

Sarah Lopez from Piedra Vista High School:

Hello, my name is Sarah Lopez, and I am a new member of the UmattR team! I would just like to start off by telling you guys a little about myself.

I am a senior at Piedra Vista High School and a Dual Credit student at San Juan College. I plan to graduate high school with my Associates Degree in Biology.

One thing you may not know about me is I am a firm believer in God, he gives me strength when I feel weak whether it’s mentally or physically. I am a very busy person; I do take some pride in my academics and that can be a little overwhelming at times.

Another thing you may not know about me is, I am very active in my community! I am part of National Honor Society at my high school, so I do a lot of volunteer work. I enjoy getting to know new people and being involved in hands-on activities.

I don’t have many “hobbies”, but I have been playing soccer since I was 5 and I am still playing till this day! I am one of the four captains on the PV Girls Soccer Varsity team and sadly this is my last season. I’ve had some great memories both on and off the field. I am a starter, and my two positions are left wing or center mid.

I have lived in Farmington all seventeen years of my life; I was born here but I do plan to leave for college. I’m not sure what college I want to go to, my options are pretty open, but I do know what major I want to study so that’s one step closer.

I can’t wait for the journey God has planned for me after high school, but I am excited to be a part of the UmattR team and meet new people!!


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