Meet Emma Ward

Emma Ward from Piedra Vista High School:
Hello! My name is Emma Ward. I’m a senior at Piedra Vista High school. I’m also a member of the PV Chamber choir. I have been in choir for about 8-9 years now, but it feels like I’ve been singing forever. Music has been such a huge part of my life. I remember the first time I sang in a choir. I was 9-10 years old, I tried out and made it into Allstate choir. I was so so excited. They sent us the music to learn beforehand. And my little 9-year-old self-had never heard songs like these, some of them were even in different languages. The only song I had ever fully memorized was, “You Belong with Me” by Taylor swift, so I wasn’t off to a great start. I was so overwhelmed and scared. I started crying as I felt it was too hard and I could never do it. After a while I got out my CD player and played those songs a thousand times until I had them fully memorized.
Now, why am I telling you about my 9-year-old self-meltdown? Well because not only do I create music, but it’s made me who I am today. It’s taught me resilience, hard work, patience, even compassion. And 9-year-old me learned something that day.
I can do hard things.
I’m so excited to be a part of UmattR this year! And to share what I’ve learned and overcome in my 17 years of life.